A Coming Home
~By Beloved Heartsong
“Oh my Beloved,
Kindness of the heart,
Breath of life,
I bow to you.
And, I’m coming home.”
From Snatam Kaur’s chant
“Ong Namo” on her CD entitled “Grace”.
We are so hungry; so desirous. We are consumers; our thirst is unquenchable and our longing unconsumed. How will we fill the seeming unfillable void within? Nothing seems to satisfy our longing and ravenous hunger for very long.
The only way to become satiated, full, overflowing, quenched and released from the search is to come home. “Come home to what?”, you may ask- especially if you feel empty. Come home to yourself…to God…to truth…to your heart…the infinite voice of the divine within you…the Beloved. God is love.
We are all the beauty and wondrous majesty of the Beloved. As we remember this, believe it and live it, we come home, knowing we are love, we are love, we are love.
The question is, do we trust love? Do we trust God?
As we and all life are God in infinite form, divine aspects of the One, will we choose to remember this as we live each day? Oh, to remember, see and honor the divine in all life and remember that God is love ; we are God; we are love. Each level of knowing brings such sweetness. Yet, do we trust the love we are? We often trust Spirit to show up in some ways- like in a sunset or a sunrise, but what about at work, in confrontation, pain, or in another’s eyes?
The Beloved is us, every bit of us; the parts we accept and the parts we reject or deny. And, all we reject and deny and push under, surfaces in the infinite forms of the Beloved within us and outside of us. The reflection shows up in illness, depression, in those who push our buttons and in world conflict; reminding us over and over again, until we truly re-member.
“Coming home” is a conscious choice in every moment. It’s a choice to re-member ourselves into wholeness- into the ultimate fulfillment of all our hunger and longing; divine union.
“Oh my Beloved”, Oh my God, my Self…
“Kindness of the heart”~ We all arrive here encoded with our sacred contract, life path and directions Home, in our hearts. The joy and cosmic cradle of our own hearts is where we all can truly trust and rest. As we pursue the joy of our deepest heart, we find it is the most loving and honoring gift we can give to ourselves and to all of life. Each of us can choose to hold as sacred, this responsibility to come home to ourselves and bask in this self loving kindness, knowing it as the profound work of each blessed soul.
“Breath of life…”
The passion and purpose in our heart’s joy fuels and gives breath to our lives. What we create from this deep joy, blesses, balances and harmonizes all life. As each of us follows our own heart, we become beacons, support, inspiration and permission for others to do the same. One or many at a time, we step and leap into the higher frequencies of love and joy- being and becoming who we came to be~ the expression of God/ love we are.
“I bow to you”…
“Namaste”, we say~ I honor the divine within myself and I honor the divine with each and every One. We bow to the God within and the God in each face, in all of life~ in every flower, every creature, every breath, every breeze and sunrise. How deeply grateful we can be in every moment as we see and acknowledge the God in all life, reflecting to us the honor, respect, gratitude and love we all deserve and helping us release judgment. We don’t have to pretend, participate in fear, lack, doubt, shame, manipulation and lies. Who we are as we bow to True Self is divinity recognizing itself. Telling the truth to ourselves and others sets us free because it brings the light of love to the places within ourselves where it’s been withheld. Whatever we deny within, we disown and dishonor. As we illuminate our shadow, we can then bow to it in honor of the lessons and gifts it affords us.
“I’m Coming Home”…
When we forget to see and honor and participate with the divine within, we become hungry for that which is outside of us and can never fill us. As be bow to the divine within, we align with truth, all searching is over and we come home. Home is where the heart is. We’ve all heard that one. I say, “Home is where the heart lives.” We create and manifest the fulfillment of all dreams, longing and desires as we choose in each moment and moment and moment again, to be the God we are~ living love, being love, opening to love, breathing love, trusting love, bowing to love, coming home to love.
Coming home is a choice in perception. We do not “need” love. We need to remember we are love. We are the lover. We are the Beloved and we have always been home.
Each day we can open softer and wider and reaffirm ~
“Oh my Beloved… Kindness of the Heart, Breath of Life, I bow to you. And, I’m coming home… I’m coming home.”
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