LaHo-Chi Institute of Energy Healing

Beloved Heartsong is the Director of the
LaHo-Chi Institute of Energy Healing.

For more info. on private sessions, trainings, certification program, certified practitioners in your area, and more, visit the Official LaHo-Chi Website:

LaHo-Chi (pronounced lah hoe chee), and Angel Light are powerful, yet very gentle, high vibrational spiritual hands-on and remote healing modalities that empower students and clients to align with their natural connection to the Unified Field of Love, utilize this universal life force energy and further develop their subtle multi-dimensional awareness and abilities. Subtle energy healing encourages and enhances the body’s natural ability to effectively heal itself. Both modalities balance and align all levels of the emotional, physical. mental and spiritual bodies. This is truly amazing and life changing work!

**Note From Beloved:

In almost 30 years practicing LaHo-Chi and Angel Light, this is the most amazing healing work I have ever experienced! This work brings in very high frequency energies that are loving, gentle, powerful, palpable and life changing. The sessions and workshops often propel people forward into realizing their life path, passion and purpose and affords them a quantum leap in their spiritual growth from wherever they are!

If you would like more information, would like to take a class, or to schedule a session, Contact Beloved.

LaHo-Chi Training

**Note From Beloved about the term “Healing”: The Unified Field of Love that is the collective consciousness of God, Source, Spirit, Life Force, of the Ascended Masters, the Angelic Realms and ALL life in its infinite expressions, are always available and ready to support, lift, heal and bless our lives as we open to receive the love and truth and fullness of who we are. To experience this field, all we need do is call our attention, perception, heart and awareness to it. This affords us true healing of our misperceptions and limited thoughts and beliefs.

We may perceive being separate from it, yet we are not. And, living in the truth and remembrance of this understanding holds all we do in a greater light. LaHo-Chi, Angel Light and all “Healing” modalities, as an energy “lives” within us and we within it as this Unified Field of Love. So, as you receive a session, whether you are conscious of it or not, you are participating by bringing your focus, attention and deeper awareness to being held and essentially “lifted” in the light, healing, and Grace of the Unified Field of Love.

This is why continuing to spend time receiving or giving energy work or “healing” often brings profound spiritual growth and opening. Miracles occur with regularity from this place- not only in private  sessions, but also as we choose to bring and hold our attention to integrate all of our lives within it and the unlimited possibilities of love.

For some, a series of 3 or more sessions is ideal. Whether you have a specific issue you want to work on or not, ongoing sessions are a great way to de-stress and call the experience of more light into your life.

Those who typically do not experience inner vision or sense energy in their bodies, notice that this work opens their awareness in many ways. They sense and feel their body and energy more clearly. In regards to teaching this work, my students say this workshop is a lot of fun! They love learning to “play” in and tune in to themselves and each other.

Whether you wish to receive a session or learn how to give sessions to others, I highly recommend this work. It can easily be used with other modalities and is extremely effective. Sessions can also be done remotely with great effectiveness.

If you would like more information, would like to take a class, or to schedule a session, Contact Beloved.